New Features Update Rules

  • This is where the Cozyla publishes their new developing features and the users can comment on the posts about their thoughts. The purpose of this is to gather feedback and suggestions from the users and to keep them updated on the latest innovations.

    1. Users can comment on the posts to share their opinions, questions, ideas, or praises about the new features. Users are expected to be respectful, constructive, and relevant in their comments.
    2. Users should not spam, troll, harass, or insult other users or the brand in this category. Users who violate this rule will be warned or banned from the forum.
    3. Users should not post any personal information, advertisements, or inappropriate content in this category. Users who violate this rule will be reported or removed from the forum.
    4. Users should follow the general forum rules and etiquette in this category. Users who violate this rule will be moderated or penalized by the forum staff.


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