New Feature released - Artwork with description on Cozyla Album (Mat)

  • Cozyla Album (Mat) New Feature released - Artwork with description

    Version: Cozyla_1.0.33_1.0.23101801 or later

    Enable the "Artwork" Album.

    1. Open "My Cozyla" App and enable the "Artwork" album by clicking the "eye" button on the album.

    2. Switch between Portrait & Landscape source, and choose the Artwork you want to show or click "Select all"


    Device side:

    1. Switch the album to "Artwork" by clicking the Album name.


    2. Touch the screen and you will be able to see the caption of the artwork.

    3. Click the small arrow button as below to view the detailed description.

    4. Click the small arrow button to close the details description


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