New Feature released - Unified Media Uploads

  • (My Cozyla APP release:V1.1.20231020)

    1) Simplified Uploading: Say goodbye to separate uploads. Now combine both your images and videos into one album and upload them simultaneously.

    Previous UI: Upload videos and images under separate options:







    Current UI: Upload both videos and images under "Upload from Local Photos" option





    2) Visual Reminders: After uploading, the content will appear slightly grey as a visual cue. This feature aids users in quickly distinguishing recently added media.




    3) Upload Limitations: For an optimal user experience and faster upload times, there's a restriction of 30 images and 10 videos per album.

    Upcoming: For those who wish to upload in bulk, we're in the process of introducing a new method to accommodate larger content volumes. Stay tuned!

  • We have some thrilling news to share with you! As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance your experience with Cozyla, we are rolling out an exciting update to our video support features.

    1. Trial Feature for Long Videos: We understand that sometimes, moments just can't be captured in a short clip. That's why we're introducing a trial feature that allows all users to upload longer videos - now supporting clips over 10 minutes! This feature is perfect for those special occasions that you want to relive in full.

    2. Extended General Video Uploads: Additionally, we have expanded our general video upload capabilities. You can now upload videos of up to 2 minutes in length, with a maximum of 10 files per upload. This enhancement allows you more flexibility and freedom in sharing your precious memories. (Considering the upload time, we didn't extend too much for each upload. But you can do it several times.  We will also release a web portal for PC to upload unlimited content in a short time)

    We encourage you to take advantage of these new features and bring your most cherished moments to life on your Cozyla frame. As always, we're dedicated to improving our services and we would love to hear your feedback on these updates.

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