Introducing New Features in My Cozyla App Update V1.1.20240130!

  • Hello Cozyla Community!

    We are excited to announce the release of our latest app update, version V1.1.20240130, packed with new features designed to enhance your Cozyla experience. Here's what you can look forward to:

    1. Google Photos Album Sync Button 

    • What's New: We've added a sync button to the Google Photos album in the bottom left corner.
    • Benefit: This allows you to update your album to the latest status anytime, even before the scheduled sync time.


    2. Frame Time/Date Timezone Customization 

    • What's New: Now, you can set up the timezone on both your device  and the app according to your preference.
    • Benefit: This is especially useful in gift mode, where the recipient's timezone might differ from the sender's.

    3. Enhanced Photo Selector

    • What's New: The photo uploading interface has been simplified.
    • Benefit: You can now easily select photos, choose the device, and upload to an album all from one interface. There's also an option for one-click default uploading.

    We believe these updates will greatly improve your experience with our products. We're eager to hear your feedback, so please try out these new features and let us know what you think!

    Happy Cozyla-ing!

  • If you're experiencing any issues with the new features introduced in our latest app update (version V1.1.20240130), here are some steps you can follow to resolve them:

    1. Ensure App and Device are Updated

    • App Update: Check if your Cozyla app is updated to the latest version (V1.1.20240130). You can do this by visiting the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and checking for available updates.
    • Device Update: Ensure that your Cozyla device's firmware is up to date. You can usually find the option to check for firmware updates in the device settings.

    2. Restart Your Device

    • Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve any temporary glitches that might be affecting the new features.

    If you've followed these steps and are still facing issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team. You can contact us directly through the app, or reply to this topic for more assistance.

    We are here to ensure that your experience with Cozyla is seamless and enjoyable. Your feedback is valuable to us, and we appreciate your patience as we work to improve our services.

    Best Regards,

    The Cozyla Support Team

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