Coyzla frame infected with Mirai Botnet?

  • Hi, I purchased a Cozyla frame for my partner and she took it to her workplace, a public university. Today she was notified by IT that MS-ISAC (part of the Center for Internet Security) informed them that her picture frame was infected with the Mirai malware and was now part of the botnet. 

    Is Cozyla aware of this vulnerability in their firmware? I would still like to use the frame but cannot/will not if it's serving to launch DDoS attacks against victims. Is there a firmware update available to prevent infection?

    Thank you.

  • Hi David,

    Our firmware has been scanned for vulnerabilities before leaving the factory.
    Please provide the serial number and more information of the device so that we can analyze and locate the problem, and upload the logs when connected to the Internet.

    Also you can email to directly.

    Thank you.


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