Cozyla User Network Troubleshooting Guide

  • 1. Wi-Fi Configuration Issues

    If you cannot set up Wi-Fi on the device, it might be due to an incorrect password or unsupported network.


    Password Error:

    ① Re-enter the correct password.

    ② Note: Check if there are any spaces before or after the Wi-Fi username or password and ensure the correct capitalization.


    Unsupported Network:

    1. Check if the network is WPA/WPA2-enterprise PEAP: (Only Cozyla Album series support this.
    2. Check if the network requires Web authentication: Cozyla Canvas & Cozyla Frame support this, while Cozyla Album doesn't. Disable Web authentication for Cozyla Album.
    3. Ensure the router's DHCP setting is turned on.
    4. If the router is overloaded, disconnect one device and then connect the Cozyla device. If it connects normally, your router might be overloaded and may need an upgrade.
    5. Check if the router has MAC address filtering enabled. Ensure your Cozyla device isn't on the router's MAC filter list or turn off MAC filtering.

    If the problem still exists or hard to be located, Please

    1. Cozyla Frame: Try to switch to a pure 2.4Ghz network
    2. Cozyla Album (Mat) and Cozyla Canvas: Try to switch to another 2.4GHz or 5GHz network.
    3. Reboot the router and device, then try again. It can solve many network connection issues
    4. If the problem still exists, please contact: for support or report bugs in the forum.


    2. Connectivity Issues After Wi-Fi Configuration


    Wi-Fi Icon with a Red Cross as attached:

    If this icon appears at the top right corner of the screen, it indicates no Wi-Fi connection. Move the device closer to the router or check the router's status.


    Cloud Icon with a Red Cross as attached:

    This icon suggests issues with the cloud server connection.

    ① Tap on the screen, select "Settings," then access "System Diagnosis" (if not visible, tap on "More"). This helps identify which part might be causing the issue. Ensure the domains for the time server and Amazon IoT server are accessible. Try reconnecting or check if the router is blocking the device's outgoing connections. If the issue persists, consult your Internet Service Provider (ISP) about potential domain access issues.

    ② It's recommended to use a branded router. If the router is provided by your ISP, it might have certain limitations or compatibility issues due to ISP-specific features.


    Tips: Reboot the router and device, then try again. It can solve many network connection issues. If the problem still exists, please contact: for support or report bugs in the forum.

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