How to Check & Update Your Software Version on Cozyla Album (Mat) and other Cozyla devices?

  • Checking the Software Version :

    (Similar on Cozyla Frame and Cozyla Canvas)

    1. Tap the screen to access the menu.

    2. Select "Settings" from the top bar.


    3. Navigate to  "About Device" to view the WebUI version.

    If you see a "More" option, click on it. "About Device" will then be available on the right side.


    4. Within "Software Update", you can see the core software version.

    If you notice an "Update"/"New" button, this indicates a new version is available. Simply click to begin the update. 


    5. The "Web UI version" is specific to Cozyla Album and Cozyla Album Mat.


    Updating to the Latest Version:

    While updates typically happen automatically, you can force an update:

    1. Turn off the screen for 3 minutes.

    2. Restart the device by unplugging and plugging it back in.


    Troubleshooting Update Issues:

    1. Ensure your device is connected to a stable network.

    2. If issues persist, consider resetting and restoring the device. For guidance on this, see: "How to restore my Cozyla Album / Transfer existing device data to the new one?"


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