Immediately display emailed photo?

  • How do I make it so the most recently emailed photo is automatically displayed? No physical interaction with the frame needed. I only want to display 1 photo until a new one is emailed. I've turned off slideshow. It shows the new alert bell when a new photo is emailed, but it doesn't just automatically show up. What am I missing? Thanks!

  • Dear Daniel,

    Thank you for reaching out with your question regarding the display of recently emailed photos on your frame. I understand that you would like the most recent photo to be displayed automatically without any manual interaction.

    Currently, our system is designed to automatically display new photos when the slideshow feature is active. You don't have to click the ring bell icon. However, if you wish to keep a single photo displayed until a new one is uploaded, without the slideshow, it requires a few extra steps through our MyCozyla app. Here's a guide to help you set this up:

    1. Create a Dedicated Album: Upload a single image to a new album, for example, you can name it 'Fixed Album'.

    2. Select the Album on the Frame: Tap on your frame's screen and choose the album icon (usually located on the right side of the screen).

    3. Choose 'Fixed Album': From the album selection, pick the 'Fixed Album' you just created.

    4. Manage Photos via MyCozyla App: Open the MyCozyla app on your smartphone or tablet. Navigate to the 'Fixed Album'. (If the new album doesn't appear immediately, try swiping down on the screen to refresh the album list.)

    5. Update the Album: Each time you want to display a new photo, upload it to the 'Fixed Album' and delete the previous one. Please note that it might take a few minutes for the frame to refresh and show the new photo.

      Unfortunately, while you can use email to upload new photos to the frame, it's not currently possible to delete them via email. Therefore, the method described above is the way to ensure that only the most recent photo is displayed on your frame.

      We understand this might not be the ideal solution and appreciate your feedback. If you have any further questions or require assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. 


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