Difference between Owner, Member, Email Sender

  • How could I know which role I should use or invite?

  • Category Owner Member Email Sender
    Role Full control over the device Browse device status, upload and view albums, photos, videos, and manage own uploads and shared albums, invite new users Cannot browse device status, send photos to shared album via Device Email
    Member Approval Management Yes (can be set in Device Setting -> More -> Member application review to be either automatically approved or require approval) Approval by Owner, can delete oneself (i.e., leave the device) /
    Email Sender Approval Management Yes, can manage permissions in Device Setting -> More -> Recipient email address Cannot manage Email Sender Can send emails directly, but new email addresses require Owner approval on first send
    Content Upload All content All content Shared Album
    Content View All content All content No
    Content Modification All content Own uploaded content and Shared Album No
    Content Deletion All content Own uploaded content and Shared Album No
    Content Comments and Likes All content All content No
    Slideshow Settings Yes Yes No
    Gifting Yes No No
    Share Yes Yes No
    Holiday & Celebration Yes Yes No
    Google Photos Account Can be linked Cannot be linked Cannot be linked
    Instagram Account Can be linked Cannot be linked Cannot be linked
    Alexa Account (Cozyla Album) Can be linked Cannot be linked Cannot be linked
    Cozyla Message (Cozyla Album) All add, delete, modify Add, delete, modify own content No

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