in app can only view 50 of 499 photos

  • I've uploaded 499 photos from my phone and would like to delete some of them that have the wrong orientation.  I see that in the app I can select the album and then select one or multiple photos and delete them, but the app scrolls down only to the 40th photo and no further.  I see no way to view, select, or delete photos beyond the first 40. The Cozyla Album picture frame displays all 499 photos but the app does not.  How do I view the full 499 photos in the app so that I can select a photo to delete that is beyond the first 40?  Suggestions?

  • @KIMBERLY HARVEY I do see that I can delete the photos from the Cozyla Album Picture Frame but it is much more work scrolling through and individually deleting.

  • Thank you for reaching out with your concern about deleting specific photos from your Cozyla album. I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the limitation in the app that prevents scrolling beyond the first 40 photos.

    I'm pleased to inform you that this issue was identified as a bug in our previous app version, and we have already released an updated version on the Apple App Store to address this. The updated version for Android is also in the works and will be available soon.

    With the new update, you should be able to view and delete any of the 499 photos you've uploaded, without the limitation you've experienced. Please update your Cozyla app to the latest version to access this functionality.

    We apologize for the inconvenience this issue may have caused and appreciate your patience as we worked to resolve it. If you encounter any further difficulties or have additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • @George Tsao thanks.  We are on Android so will wait for that app update.  

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