How to combine the albums or sllideshow several or all albums?

  • To create a slideshow of all or selected albums using the "My Cozyla" app and device, you can follow these methods:

    Slideshow All Albums

    1. Start the Slideshow:

      • Touch the device screen to activate the controls.
      • Click on the album button on the right side of the screen.
    2. Play All Albums:

      • Select the "Play all" option to start a slideshow of all albums.

    Slideshow Selected Albums

    Method 1: Play All but Hide Specific Albums

    1. Begin the Slideshow:

      • Touch the screen and choose "Play all" as mentioned earlier.
    2. Hide Albums:

      1. Open the "My Cozyla" app on your phone.
      2. Select the album you want to hide by clicking the "..." on the top right corner of the album's thumbnail.


    • Choose the "Hide" option.

    This method is ideal if you want to keep certain albums hidden even from the album list. They can only be unhidden or enabled via the app.

    Method 2: Create a Combined Album

    1. Combine Albums:

      • Open the "My Cozyla" app on your phone.
      • Click "Add Photos/Album" and select "Multi-album combination".
      • Enter a name for the new combined album and select the albums you want to include.
    2. Select Combined Album for Slideshow:

      • Touch the device screen to access the controls.
      • Click on the album button and choose the new combined album you created.


    This method allows you to easily select other albums that were not included in the combined album directly on the device.

    By following these steps, you can easily create a slideshow of all your albums or just a selection, according to your preferences.

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