Permission needed for "My Cozyla" app

  • Enabling location and album permissions is crucial for the full functionality of the "My Cozyla" app.  You might face a problem as below:

    Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to enable these permissions for both iOS and Android devices:

    For iOS Devices:

    1. Open Settings: Go to the settings app on your iOS device.
    2. Find My Cozyla App: Scroll down to find the list of apps and select "My Cozyla". (Please find "Privacy & Security" if you didn't turn on Location Services)
    3. Enable Permissions: In the app settings, you will see options for 'Location' and 'Photos'. Tap on each and select the appropriate option:
      • For Location, you can choose 'While Using the App' to enable location access when the app is in use.
      • For Photos, select 'All Photos' to allow the app to access your album.


    For Android Devices:

    1. Open Settings: Access the settings menu on your Android device.
    2. Apps & Notifications: Tap on 'Apps' or 'Apps & Notifications' (this may vary depending on your device).
    3. Find My Cozyla App: Scroll through the list of apps or search for "My Cozyla" and select it.
    4. Permissions: Go to 'Permissions' or 'App Permissions'.
    5. Enable Permissions: Here, you'll find options for 'Location' and 'Storage' (for accessing albums). Toggle the switch to enable these permissions.

    General Tips:

    • Ensure your device's operating system is up to date, as older versions might not support certain app functionalities.
    • Restart the "My Cozyla" app after changing the permissions to ensure the changes take effect.

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