How could I upload photos after I receive the frame as a preset/configured gift?

  • If you've recently received a Cozyla frame as a gift which already configured (normally, the initial set up screen should be like the below screenshot) and are wondering how to upload photos to it, here's a guide to help you out. 

    Setup screen (if the below image is not shown on your device, it means the gift is preset and configured)

    There are two primary methods to do this:

    Method 1: Become a Gift Member

    1. Activate Control Panel: Touch the screen of your Cozyla frame to activate the control buttons.
    2. Access Settings: Tap the "Settings" button at the top right.                     
    3. Scan Invitation Code: Locate the invitation code on the device screen, which you can scan to add the device with  your "My Cozyla" app.                                                                       
    4. Send Invitation Request: An invitation request will be sent to the frame owner (gift sender) in their My Cozyla app.
    5. Approval by Owner: The owner needs to log in to their My Cozyla app, tap the notification bell, and approve your membership request.                                                                           

    Method 2: Transfer of Ownership

    1. Share Your Email: Send your My Cozyla email account to the frame owner (gift sender).
    2. Owner Actions: The owner should select the device in the "Device List" in their My Cozyla app.
    3. Navigate to Settings: Click on "Settings" for the device.
    4. Invite Member: Enter "Member Management", then select "Invite member" and "Invite family or friends".                                                                                                   
    5. Fill in Details: The owner enters your email and necessary information.
    6. Accept Invitation: You will receive an invitation in your My Cozyla app, which can be accepted from the notification bell or "Activity" tab.

    Note on Full Control: To fully control the device, you'll need to be the owner or request ownership transfer.

    1. Request Ownership: As a member, request ownership from "Member Management". The owner can  approve and transfer ownership in their notification list or activity tab.
    2. Direct Transfer by Owner: The owner can directly transfer ownership to a member by selecting the member’s name in his My Cozyla app under "Member management" and choosing "Transfer the ownership to member".                                                                   

    These steps ensure you can easily upload photos and manage your new Cozyla frame. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out!

    Happy photo sharing!

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