Device Settings Supported by Cozyla Frame and Canvas vs. Cozyla Album


    Setting Category Cozyla Album series Cozyla Canvas & Frame series
    Slideshow Intervals Default: 10 seconds; Options: Off, 5 sec, 10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 5 min Default: 10 seconds; Options: Off, 5 sec, 10 sec, 20 sec, 30 sec, 45 sec, 1 min, 5 min
    Playback Order Default: Recently added; Options: Shuffle Default: Recently added; Options: Shuffle, Oldest first, Newest first
    Background Effect Default: Black; Options: Gaussian blur, White, Black, Instagram style Default: Black; Options: Gaussian blur, White, Black, Instagram style
    Configuration Auto crop photos: Default on, Off option; Filter by orientation: Default off, On option; Pair the photos: Default off, On option Auto crop photos: Default on, Off option; Filter by orientation: Default off, On option; Pair the photos: Default off, On option
    Auto Brightness Default: On; Options: Off (manual adjustment) Default: On; Options: Off (manual adjustment)
    Sleep Mode Schedule: Default on, 11 PM to 6 AM; Auto sleep mode: Default on, Sensitivity options: High, Normal, Low Schedule: Default on, 11 PM to 6 AM; Auto sleep mode: Default on, Sensitivity options: High, Normal, Low
    Display Show time & date, descriptions, network status, new photo reminder, holiday & celebration notices all default on Show time & date, descriptions, playback number, network status, new photo reminder all default on
    Photo Slideshow Effect Not applicable Default: Normal; Options: Elevating, Fade, Rolling, etc.
    Sound Default: Mute; Options: Mute, Unmute, Automatic Default: Mute; Options: Mute, Unmute, Automatic
    Time & Date Automatic timezone: Default on; Time: Default 12-hour, Options: 24-hour; Date: Default week/month/day/year, Options: Various formats Automatic timezone: Default on; Time: Default 12-hour, Options: 24-hour; Date: Default week/month/day/year, Options: Various formats
    WIFI Options to choose from available networks Options to choose from available networks
    More Invitation code, system diagnosis, ask Cozyla for help, help via QR code, about device, reset the device, sync frame Invitation code, system diagnosis, ask Cozyla for help, help via QR code, about device, sync frame,reset the device, 
    Unique features Alexa, Cozyla Messages AI Enhancement


    Cozyla Album is almost the same as the Cozyla Canvas and Frame, except the Slideshow effect customization.  Meanwhile, There are some features are also different:  Cozyla Album integrated Alexa and Memo features.  Cozyla Frame and Canvas supports AI Enhancement features. 

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